Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better

Barre Workout – Video

Barre Workout Video – We start this Barre workout by our extending core series to really fire up your abs and your glutes. You don’t need any equipment, just a good time start by just shaking out in your hands in your feet. We always want to stimulate blood, bring it back to the heart. If you want, you know a little jump side to side, let the vibration relax your neck and john bass and shoulders kind of letting it all go.

Today. We’re going to be focusing on your abdominal muscles your glute muscles, it’s going to be quick. It’s going to be bananas overhead. Let your belly open, exhale, bring it back down one more time, big breath.

You want your belly to expand and then contract, then from here bring your feet parallel and do a quick, quick, run, sweating your arms forward and back watch. Your posture keep your spine long and make some heat by speeding up your feet. Eight counts two.

Three: four: five: six seven now bring your legs tight together, inhale your arms back up keeping your awareness and your stomach. Exhale draw your navel in opening your chest and bring your right foot forward, lift it up flex your foot and point your foot immediately, you’re establishing balance circle. Your foot one way circle it the other way either like forward flex and point your foot. Keep your chest open circle.

Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better

Barre Workout Video

Your ankle, either direction your abdomen will activate to hold you still feet back down. Inhale your arms up, drop your shoulders hold to your right, wrist and bend to the side. Squeeze your right.

Glute that’ll open your hip roll your shoulders squared and bring your breath between your ribs, so in all those intercostal muscles, those are abs to either arm up and over. So you stretch out of your hip and then to a side bend tuck under and roll. Your shoulder back when we’re big breath then bring both arms up and back open through your throat.

Kiara over here will be showing modification. So if you have sensitive shoulders or next, you can option to bring your hands to your low back, otherwise really stretch long and try to surrender your chest. Skyward hope for one more in and exhale grip in your glutes and then stand tall, bring your feet out around forward shake and nod your head like gravity.

Do some of the work here bend and straighten either knee? This will awaken your hamstrings and your hamstrings actually lift the bottom of your glutes. So you want to keep them active, inhale your back flat. You can bring your hands to the earth. Your shins are all the way up to your thighs.

Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better

Take an inhale. Exhale bow! Your head check your chin, roll up, inhale your arms up and overhead gather energy gather, breath and oxygen on your exhale drop down down and again watch keira erl show a slightly modified version. That’s going to involve less movement.

Barre Workout Video

Tarah is going to, go big and maybe even add a little jump up four more times down notice that your ribs and hips come together and apart two more times exhale and lift one more time. Exhale down stand toss if your feet a little wider out and circle to the right, so we want to try to get really nice and still through your ribs and just work. Your hips and this way you’ll get all your internal obliques, external obliques, eight more counts.

One two with your arms overhead you’re, getting this eccentric stretch, this lengthening the strengthening other way circle around. Let yourself really isolate through your abdominals. Eight more counts one: two, three, four: five: six seven bring your arms out reach to your right; reach, reach expanding and stretching what you reaching for whoa glass of water cuz, I’m sweating over here; seven and switch other arms stretch out out really finding that energetic push You can go a little smaller or really reach out one of eight to three exhale.

Every time you do that movement, we’re at seven bring both arms up now right, knee up getting a little more deep crunch through your side waist eight more times, one two you can bring your knee higher or go girls, go seven other side up so feeling again. They’re coming together and apart in your side, ribs and hips, eight more one whew two three, but we only have ten minutes. Five. Six seven go bring your legs out, find your right knee, bring your hands to prayer, bend your right knee and straighten on the up.

Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better

Expand your arms out now, some specifics, this knee is straight. The only knee bending is the right one. You can change your arms to be a little more dynamic and again more of that stretch in your stomach, put your weight on your heel and that’s how you’ll get the deepblue work.

Barre Workout Video

You can option to add a step in or to a full pase. Pase just means to bring your knee and your foot together really get low and high the more distance you take up the more depth of contractions going to happen in that right, glute, four more times then hold it for your a two and three hold your passe Or come with your legs together, step your foot back, drop down and up come to a parallel posture so that your knees and your shoulder joints are all facing forward. No turnout and the energy really in your front heel add a step forward back forward. Again, you can always modify you can try something different every day.

You can try something and go back to what felt better option. Bring your knee up up recognize now that you’re getting that extra abdominal crunch option turned into a full that ma go time. So we’re stretching your hamstring working, your glute, activating your rectus abdominis for more we’re chu, your three. Every time you adjust your balance, your core engages and sculpts hold tuck your tailbone tuck.

These very bar inspired tucks, our reverse crunches for your stomach and they lengthen your hip, which helps activate your glute as well. Now turn it to a circle circle: spiraling energy, through your waistline, eight counts you’re at three four five, six, seven find the center of your chest. Pull it forward stretch your back leg long now, pull your right knee up how still and low can you get on this front? Thigh, breathe out and you’ll get a massage to the low internal organs that glute work on your front.

Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better

Leg. Eight more counts, one. Two three put energy in and you’ll, create energy.

Six seven stand up other side: dude, oh yeah, now we’re moving to your left side, starting off by figuring out where you’re, starting from how does it feel good connect to the breath so breathe out on the up? If you’d like you can change your arms, they go down if you’re feeling any sensitivity in your knee, don’t go down as low and double check that your weight is in your heel. Not your toes out of step in breathe out very control of business. Is your choice wide hello? Do you want to go today and let the feeling in your body to find that maybe to pass that up down for more one down up to down up three? Remember you hold it for hold it, for let yourself away go step back to the parallel lunge tuck, your tailbone, under to activate your core lower down and up. You can choose to do more static arms for the stability of your shoulders.

Barre Workout Video

If you’d like breathe on the up and up, add a step as an option, step back and forward propel your forward step from the muscles in your right glute option bring your knee up exhale option batma. How are you going about my oh yeah boy? One two! We’re at three hold weight and you’re here tuck again now your hips move forward forward. Think about the hip bones rotating up to your chin, turn it to a circle.

Circling around new four, more times, five, six seven hold your stomach. Taut hinge forward left knee up up embrace that fire. Let it really burn, through your back leg, up eight more exhale to don’t leave any stale air in your lungs use.

Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better

Your abdominal muscles to push it out where it’s seven and step out wide. Hmm. Take a few legs over this around our body.

Is this cool intricate organism circle the other way and your stomach is working holding yourself up it’s working to maneuver and create these spirals in your hips hold, pushing your heels to are constantly harnessing the power of your glutes. Bring your arms back open your chest. Right elbow down and then back up right, elbow down and up go down check in with yourself. Are you hunching around day, if so push your head back into your arms? Two more like that, one more like that move to the other side down and up there’s a metabolic lift that can be really heightened by bending even deeper into your plie form or where it’s you, that’s three.

Barre Workout Video

You only have a couple of minutes left, hold press side to side now, work to really keep your low body still by squeezing your glutes wrapping your abdomen in and press out out out out out out. Sixteen counter one two, three, four: five: six seven address hill, one, two, three, four: five: six, seven eight and really come on down. Allow your hips to open up surrender to gravity step your right foot out, keep it flexed, so this dorsal flexion! It really speaks to how the rest of the leg stretches. We want all that blood to come up through the hamstring into your glute and the breath to bring air down into your belly, so we’re feeding those muscles as they repair and then turn to a side.

Lunge stretch your glute is awake now, after that almost 10 minutes of work so give it a little squeeze, and can you feel how that opens the front of your hip? That’s what I mean about your body being kind of this intricate organism. It’s always partnering with itself take a step forward, as you exhale flex, your front foot to begin with and work to rotate your right hip forward. Pull your heart open, recognize that the shape of your back affects the feeling of stretch in your low body.

Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better

Lower your front toes bow your head fold, your forehead, all the way to your shin. If you can or see where you’re at today and when you come back to play tomorrow, see where you’re at then then from there turn back through center lower down and to your original turned out hip opener and we’ll do the left side. So we’re lingering.

Just a little bit longer in this stretch, because the stretch isn’t something superfluous. It’s really an important part of the whole process of being well of being strong turn to the side. Squeeze your left glute allow that to create some more space in your hip. A little check your face, take half a step forward flex.

Your front foot play around with the shape of your back and the length of your knee progress, not perfection progress every day, exhale lower your toes and fold in you bring your chin all the way to your chest, you’re, beginning to massage the organs and glands in Your throat, as you pull your abdomen in you’re, doing the same thing to the ones in your belly and just rotate both feet forward back through center heel, toe them till they’re about hipwidth, pull to either elbow and shake side to side. A flexible back gives us much more access to the abdominal muscles tuck your stomach in and roll up. Let your arms hang like a rag doll. Take two more big breaths inhale up again, feeling that your stomach expands, exhale hands down.

One more breath inhale this time. Bring your hands to prayer, bring the prayer down rest it on your heart, feel the earth under your feet. Remember that she’ll always catch you when you fall, lift your eyes to the light. Follow it today always have a very cool day.  Looking for a local fitness center?  Try Planet Fitness

Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better
Lose Weight - Stay Fit - Barre Workout - Video

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Lose Weight Stay Fit - Feel Better

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