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Best Abs Workout Video – Tighten Your Tummy

Best Abs Workout Video –  Eight do anywhere exercises to tighten your tummy.

  • Up next reverse crunches
  • Up next Russian twist
  • Rest time up next reach through
  • Rest time up next leg drops
  • Breath time up next cross crunches
  • Rest time up next plank
  • Rest time up next single-leg jackknife
  • Next up Russian Twist
  • You have successfully completed the Best Abs Workout, good job.

Best Abs Workout Video 2

Today I’m going to be taking you through a 20-minute, full six-pack best abs workout that anybody can do that. I’m going to be doing to get my abs back.

It takes no equipment, it can be done anywhere right from the ground and can be done by anyone of any fitness level and see amazing results. I’ve structured this best abs workout routine to challenge you, while allowing you to preserve your energy, ensuring that you’re going to be able to finish the entire duration of this best abs workout routine, without having you guess out too early and to develop strong and defined six-pack abs, while simultaneously burning Calories and fat and, of course, to see the best results.

You want to make sure that your nutrition is on point, while you’re using this best abs workout routine for more information on nutrition and how to start eating healthy, to get of course, healthier stronger and to gain more muscle check out some of the nutrition videos on this channel. You can also check out these videos right here now.

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I’ve broken down this best abs workout routine into four sections: to ensure that you’re working out every part of your abs, giving you a complete six pack, best abs workout. Sometimes you could be doing a whole bunch of ab exercises and only emphasizing maybe on your top or your lower abdominals, while neglecting other areas of your abs, like your obliques, resulting in an insufficient best abs workout we’re going to be doing this whole routine with minimal rest Between each exercise to maximize the efficiency of our time and to really build our abdominals with 45 seconds on each exercise and 15 seconds break in between, so if you’re ready to get started, there’s not going to be much talking after this. I need you to dedicate 20 minutes of your time to crushing this best abs workout routine.

Best Abs Workout – Step by Step

The first five exercises are going to, be a set to warm us up from a laying down position emphasizing on our lower abdominals. The first exercise we’re going to be doing is legs down, hold, want our hands underneath our glutes feet, six inches above the ground. Squeeze your core regulate your breathing. Now we’re just activating our abdominals nice little warm up, but if you’re squeezing your abdominals, you should definitely feel this exercise make sure you preserve your energy because it’s going to get more difficult gradually with each exercise.

There you go last ten seconds, five, four, three two and one all right, nice little warm up, take 15 seconds to catch our breath.

The next exercise we’re going to get into is going to be a level up from that one. That’s going to be laying leg! Flutters so we’ll get back into the same position: hands under our glutes feet straight out, keep your legs straight! One leg goes up and you want to alternate now the more separated your legs are, the more effective you’re going to be engaging your abdominals, but if you’re just a beginner, you can always just start off with little flutters, just like that.

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Make sure you’re squeezing and Engaging your abs with every exercise, every repetition last 10 seconds here we go five, four three two and one all right: let’s go ahead! Shake that off the next exercise. We’re going to get into is going to, be leg raises 45 seconds so again laying position feet off the ground, bring your legs all the way up and then all the way back down nice and controlled engaging your abdominals do not touch the floor and don’t put Your head on the floor more than halfway there keep it going here.

We go last ten seconds, five, four, three, two last one all right go ahead and shake that off. We’re almost done with the first set of exercises. The next one up is going to be laying hip raises, so we’re going to get into the same position.

Hands under your legs curl in lift up knees in lift your hips up, make sure to give it a full extension here last 10 seconds here we go five, four, three two and last one all right. We are down to the last exercise from this position. The next exercise we’re going to get into is going to be crucifix, so we’re going to get down into a laying position feet together out above the ground, you’re going to come in touch your heels, come back out, go at your own pace.

Best Abs Workout Video – Take Action

Of course. This is definitely an abs killer, give it a full range of motion every time you crunch you want to squeeze here. We go last couple seconds: five, four, three two and one all right. So the next five exercises we’re going to be emphasizing on our obliques and working our abs from left to right and right to left using a twisting motion.

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The first exercise is going to be Russian twists, so we’re going to start with our legs together, six inches off the ground touch one side twist and touch the other side really emphasize on your twist. Every single time. Don’t just try to stay in one position and go side to side really twist.

Your torso, that’s going to give you the best results for your abdominals, make sure you’re regulating your breathing pacing yourself still have a bit of a ways to go. We’re only one-fourth finished. Last 10 seconds here we go five, four, three two and one all right.

First exercise piece of cake: go ahead and stretch that out the next exercise, we’re going to be getting into another. Twisting exercise start crunches, we’re going to lay down, come up, touch the opposing ankle and switch, make sure you really twist your torso, every single repetition. You want to make sure you’re controlling this one you’re not moving too fast, pacing yourself, the faster you move, the less you’re going to be engaging your bone marrow last 10 seconds. Here we go five four three, two last one all right.

My abdominals are on fire right about now. Moving into the next twisting exercise, we’re going to go for bicycles, hands up behind your head, you’re going to match your knees to your elbows, give it a full range of motion and only go as fast as you’re comfortable with now. If you feel fatigued, you can always just keep using your legs and slow down, but do not stop more than halfway.

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Best Abs Workout Video – Feelin’ Good

There keep going hang in there last ten seconds, five, four three two and one all right: we’re going to go ahead, get into a pushup position. The next exercise we’re going to be going for, is going to, be switching mountain climbers. You want to bring your knee into the closing elbow and alternate as you can see, every time you go you want to twist, your torso and, of course, if you go faster, make sure to really twist every single round open your knees up, nice and high, and One all right we’re down to the last twisting exercise, that’s going to be side plank reach, throughs, let’s get into a sidetrack position. You’re going to reach, through twist your torso pull all the way back out.

We do one side first for 22 seconds and then switch sides. Here we go last couple: reps three two and one switch over squeeze your core here in the last couple seconds: five, four, three two and one all right and now the next five exercises are all going to be from a seated position. So first up is going to be seated leg from a seated position.

Legs together raise our legs hands on the floor, fingers forward and flutter those legs pace yourself, reinvent your breathing contract squeeze those more than halfway. There keep it up last 10 seconds here we go. Five: four three two and one whoo. Now I’m really trying to feel my abdominals.

Let’s go ahead and stretch that out next exercise. We’re going to get into is going to be seated in and out again from the same position. So we’re going to have our fingertips facing forward again bring your knees all the way to your chest, all the way back out, complete range of motion.

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Remember you do not have to go fast, you’re, giving a quality contraction in your abdominals. You want your own pace here. We go last 10 seconds, give it everything you got five four three two and one whoo there.

We have it stretch that out. Moving on to the next exercise, side vote hold pumps for 22 seconds each side so to get into this exercise, we’re going to have a feet up again lean back get onto one glute with your hands in front from this position. You want to pump last 10 seconds five, four, three two and one switch to the other side.

Keep it pumping if the pump is too hard. You can just hold this position. I’m feeling these five four three two and one all right shake that off stretch it out.

See Real Results with the Best Abs Workout

You can really feel like creating solid blocks out of each side of your six pack. Moving on to the next exercise, we have reach ups 45 seconds straight. We’re going to start in a laying position with our heels flat on the ground. Hands up, come all the way up to a seated position and back down.

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Okay, go ahead, shake that off and stretch that out we’re moving into the last exercise from a seated position. That’s going to be the crunch reach through very similar to the last exercise. You can have your hands up crunch up punch through your legs music, one halfway.

There last 10 seconds here we go five, four, three two and one whoo all right, we’re officially threefourths done with this best abs workout routine. My abs are already on fire. Last five exercises are going to be done from a plank position, so the first move is going to be plank knees to elbow get into a plank position.

You bring your knee up all the way to your elbow and alternate area music. Keep it up, don’t stop we’re almost there don’t give up last ten seconds here we go five. Four three two and one all right stretch that out the next plank exercise.

We’re going to get into is going to, be high side plank raises. So, let’s start in a pushup position: go to the side, one hand up or by your side, you’re going to dip your hips down and come right back up. You have a strong grip on the ground so that you don’t wobble around and keep your balance here.

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We go last five seconds: five, four, three two and one switch down all the way up, keep a strong grip on the ground, maintain your balance, squeeze your core. Here we go last five seconds: five, four, three two and one all right. Next, up plank open and closed so again, we’re going to get into a plank position.

We’re going to bring our legs out and then bring our legs in. If this is too difficult, you can always walk it out. Go at your own pace.

You should really be feeling those abs right about now. Don’t give up, keep it going. We are almost done with the whole entire best abs workout stay strong. If you feel like giving up think about who you do this, for that, you wouldn’t give up on whether it be your mom, your grandma keep it going here.

We go last couple seconds: five, four, three two and one whoo all right, mom that one was for you. We just have two more exercises to go and next up we have high plank to low plank. This is going to be another difficult one.

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Difficult One? – Best Abs Workout

Here we go. We’re going to push up position, go down and then up low plank too high plank, as you can see, I’m starting with my right hand. First after 22 seconds we’re going to switch start with our left hand.

First, all right. Let’s get ready to switch now, starting with our left hand, keep your core tight, make sure your hips are not too low or sticking up too high. Here we go last five seconds: five, four, three two and one whew we smashed this routine.

We just have one more exercise: to go. That’s going to be the good old fashioned plank to take this last chance to catch your breath. We’re going to give it everything we got. Let’s get into a plank position.

I want you to squeeze your core squeeze your entire body. Squeeze your shoulders and breathe, make sure your hips are not too low or too high up and you’re focused. This is the last move we really want to make. You count don’t give up, no matter what we’re almost there.

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Here. We go last 10 seconds, five, four, three two and one whoa there we have it. Oh, my abdominals are on fire.

Definitely going to get my abs back. If I continue to do this for the next two days and if you were able to complete this routine and follow along with me, congratulations you’re also on your way to getting shredded and a solid six-pack, not just looking strong, actually being strong by using all these Different positions and flexions and ensuring that we’re engaging and strengthening all areas of our abdominals working out your abs is not just good for having six-pack abs; they literally help you with every lift and every exercise.

You do whether you’re working out your lower body or your upper body, you’re, assisting with your abdominals and the stronger your abdominals, are the stronger your lips can be and the better performance you’ll have as well to build more muscle, absolutely everywhere throughout your body. So if you enjoyed this best abs workout routine.  Join a local gym.  Try UFC Gym

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